Who We Serve
Stockbridge Community Outreach Association was established in the early 1980’s as a food pantry, crisis and referral center for the residents of Stockbridge Community School District. Many of our food programs require no registration and are offered to anyone who needs food.
Those needing help with utilities, rent, prescription costs or other basic needs can register as a client with Outreach. To become a client, Outreach needs proof of residency in the district and proof that income is less than 200% of the federal poverty level. Our clothing room is free to anyone--please stop in to a fun thrift store shop!
July 2024 – June 2025
200% of the Federal Poverty Level
Family Size Income
1 $ 30,120
2 $ 40,880
3 $ 51,640
4 $ 62,400
5 $ 73,160
6 $ 83,920
7 $ 94,680
8 $105,440

How We Help
We are mainly a food pantry, with a weekly fresh food distribution, and a free clothing store. We also offer financial assistance for utility shutoff and eviction prevention. Other ways we can help include gas vouchers for medical appointments and prescription co-pay financial assistance.
Our donation room is free to the public, without prior qualification. We serve the entire Stockbridge school district and surrounding communities. We are able to help provide referrals for additional assistance programs. Programs we offer are Tide Me Over, which is a kids backpack program for weekend food assistance, Holiday programs for Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas, (including adopt a family at Christmas), free fresh monthly food distribution which is held off site, free parent-child playgroups, and we are a government commodities drop off site.

About Us
Stockbridge Community Outreach is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that was organized in the fall of 1981 because local churches had become unable to handle the volume of requests for help. The first food pantry was in a room in the basement of a church. We now take up four rooms in the Stockbridge Activity Center (the old middle school) with our office located in room 120. We are open 3 days per week, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 1-3pm and by appointment. We currently offer the following services to those who qualify: Assistance with food (once monthly), utilities, housing, transportation, and prescriptions.
We also operate a clothing and small household goods area that is free to the public. During the school year we coordinate the Tide Me Over weekend food programs for pre-K through 12th grade students on the free or reduced lunch program. We host weekly “Pop Up” food distributions in our parking lot on Wednesdays and also coordinate a monthly curbside food giveaway on the second Monday of every month in Munith. Both of these distributions are free to anyone. Our facilities are used for government food distribution and at Thanksgiving and Christmas we offer special food and gift programs. We make referrals to other agencies for specific needs. We provide emergency assistance to those living in the Stockbridge School District. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
How You Can Help
There are many ways in which you can help. We accept donations of money, clothing, small household items, unexpired shelf-stable foods, paper towel, toilet paper, pet food and supplies, personal items, diapers, baby food, and more! Volunteer opportunities include sorting donations, maintaining our clothing room and pantry, and organizing for special events, especially during the holidays.
Help us spread the word about our programs and services. Join a board, serve on a committee, or donate your time using your professional skills. We are in need of grant writing, marketing, website maintenance, social media maintenance, article writing, or fundraising. If you have crafting skills, you may also donate small homemade, sellable crafts for our fundraising booth at Plane Food Market.