Providing essential support to alleviate the effects of hunger and poverty for those in the Stockbridge area by fostering healthy communities and the economic independence of our residents, and demonstrating compassion, respect, and dignity for all.
Stockbridge Community Outreach is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that was organized in the fall of 1981 because local churches had become unable to handle the volume of requests for help. The first food pantry was in a room in the basement of a church. We are now located in room 120 of the old Middle School and are open 3 days per week. We currently offer the following services: Assistance with pantry food (shopping once monthly), utilities, housing, transportation, and prescriptions.
We have a clothing and small household goods area that is free to the public. We coordinate the Tide Me Over weekend food programs for kids/families on the free or reduced lunch program. We participate with South Michigan Food Bank's monthly food curbside distribution on the second Monday of every month, giving boxes of dairy, protein and produce to anyone who shows up in the Jeruel Baptist Church parking lot between 4-5pm. Our facilities are used for Government food distribution and at Thanksgiving and Christmas we offer special food and gift programs. Each Wednesday, we sponsor, with the Greater Lansing Food Bank, a "Pop-Up" food distribution from 1-3pm, handing out produce and more to whomever drives up to our door. We also make referrals to other agencies for specific needs and help people sign up for state and other agencies' programs. We provide emergency assistance to those living in the Stockbridge School District. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.