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Stockbridge Community Outreach

Donation Guidelines

Thank you for considering making a donation to Stockbridge Community Outreach.   Together, we’re helping provide our community with much needed food and clothing.


In order to maximize the effectiveness of your generous donations to Stockbridge Community Outreach, please consider the following:


Expired food items are not useful since we cannot pass them on.   Please check the dates before donating.


Since we lack storage space, please consider donating seasonally appropriate clothing.  If we receive clothing that is out of season, we have to pass it along to Goodwill. 


Please consider the condition of clothing that you are donating.  Torn, soiled or badly worn clothing is not useful to Outreach clients.  If it is clothing you wouldn’t want to wear, chances are good that our clients won’t be comfortable with them either.


 The chore of  handling, transporting and disposing of  unusable  items that fall outside these guidelines places an unnecessary burden on Outreach Volunteers and hinders our ability to serve those in need.


Your support of Stockbridge Community Outreach is critical and greatly appreciated.

Thank you for observing these donation guidelines and for giving to Stockbridge Community Outreach.

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Our hours:  Mon. Wed. & Fri. 1:00pm - 3:00pm
For info call 517-851-7285
If Stockbridge Schools are closed
Outreach will also be closed for the safety
of our clients and ourselves.

   Physical Address
305 W. Elizabeth St
(Come in back, Door #20,

off Cherry & Elm Streets)

Rooms 120 & 121
Stockbridge, MI 49285


  Mailing Address
P.O. Box 682
Stockbridge, MI 49285

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