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Anne, Kathy, Diane, Cheryl cropped part

Part of our TMO team

Making a Difference One Meal at a Time

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Stockbridge Community Outreach recognizes that students who depend upon free and reduced breakfasts and lunches at school have a "food gap" on the weekends.  To help fill those students' food gap (and their stomachs!), we created the Tide Me Over program where weekly food bags are sent home with each child who applies to participate.

We serve preschool through high school students.


This program, started in 2011, has been funded through individual, business, church, community, and foundation donations and runs during the school year.  It began serving students at Smith Elementary and expanded to Heritage school with help from volunteers from Crossroads Community Church.  In fall 2021, we expanded again to include the 7th - 12th graders at the Jr/Sr. High School.  We also have a "Summer Tide Me Over" program where families can come to Outreach to pick up a weekly bag of groceries, too. 


Here is the 2024-2025 Tide Me Over Application Form:

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Our hours:  Mon. Wed. & Fri. 1:00pm - 3:00pm
For info call 517-851-7285
If Stockbridge Schools are closed
Outreach will also be closed for the safety
of our clients and ourselves.

   Physical Address
305 W. Elizabeth St
(Come in back, Door #20,

off Cherry & Elm Streets)

Rooms 120 & 121
Stockbridge, MI 49285


  Mailing Address
P.O. Box 682
Stockbridge, MI 49285

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